network transformation

Today there is no “one source of truth” for the enterprise communication ecosystem because data remains in Silos. Enterprises rely on many different business systems to pull disparate data. Our System of Record ties all those systems and intelligence together. From there, having accuracy and ease of managing corporate IT inventory makes transformative decision making simplified.

Build and maintain most comprehensive and useful inventory of network assets and services.

Delivers network insights to enable fact based changes and Network Transformation

Manage Mobility and Network Lifecycle processes from self-service ordering to bill

Drives costs out and finds savings to generate ROI for future technology investments

Want to Measure the Value Your Organization Can Realize From a Managed Mobility Solution?

Take our Complimentary Assessment today!

Our Network Transformation solutions allow you to manage all critical items across your entire network. With an accurate record of what you have, you’ll be in a position to understand the costs and benefits associated with your network technologies.

CMS360’s Network Transformation Solutions Achieve the following goals:

  • Inventory and manage network assets
  • Analyze and model transitions to SIP, MPLS, and SDN in support of transformation initiatives
  • Manage network resources with workflow and provisioning management
  • Ensure an efficient MACD process to support the business’ changing environment
  • Reduce network total cost of ownership
  • Audit and validate your network services
  • Identify optimization opportunities including consolidation of network providers


We specialize in delivering unmatched service to a wide range of global enterprises, service providers, and the VAR and Agent IT Channel. Learn how our clients have benefited from working with us.